Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Welcome to True Gamer

Hi there, I'm Charlie and this is a new blog about Gaming.

I suggest even if you don't like games to read these posts. I will be providing both my insight and other's insights on both new and old games as well as the patches that apply to them.

Just a little background information on me before I go off posting commentary:

My name is Charles, people tend to call me Charlie because of that. Most of my oldest friends know I used to go under my second name, being Oliver and only they  may call me Oli. I started my gaming history at the age of 5 I believe. It was right when the Gameboy color was launched with Pokemon Red and Blue version. I was very competitive with my brother and pretty much won each of the battles between us. GO BLASTOISE! But anyway, around the age of 13 I was still into the Gameboys and then moved to Hong Kong, from California. This was pretty much when my real gaming developed. After receiving a laptop and a copy of Half Life 2, I could not stop. Pokemon brought me into the world, Halo 2 got me a little competitive but more still playing on the fun side, but Half Life 2 just pulled me further into the empire of gaming and locked me in for good.

Now, there's about 5 pages I could write of games that I have played but none of them affected me as much as the three above. Apart from League of Legends, who finally pulled me into the competitive gaming because it was a lot easier to understand what to do than dota was. Dota didn't really give anyone any tips on how to play. It was like setting up Starcraft for your friend who's never played it before. It's not noob friendly.

But yeah, there's my history for you in the shortest form possible. History of gamage that is.

For my next post, I will actually be getting into games and I hope you enjoy reading this blog.

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